Logan Schultz
Staff Writer
The Haunted Rose Garden, Southern Takeover, and Cram Jam were among the most widely attended events of the Fall 2024 semester at Florida Southern College, as they occur semesterly. These traditions are hosted by the Association of Campus Entertainment (ACE), one of the biggest student organizations on campus.
Assisted by FSC faculty, the leadership team of ACE puts on several events for the campus body, and they already have a plethora lined up for the spring of 2025. Marked by their unique opportunities and collaborations with other student organizations, ACE strives to make their events stand out.
Those looking for something to help them escape from the business of college life may be interested in destress events.
For the spring semester, the biggest two-night combination event under this branch is Homecoming and the Homecoming Carnival itself.
The Homecoming Carnival, on Feb. 14, will have various crafts and games for attendees to engage with. Homecoming itself, the following night, will be a reservation-based dinner for groups of up to four attendees.
Night owls may prefer Mocs Night Out events that occur late in the evening. This branch consists of a few FSC traditions, keeping them fresh and engaging in the process. As with each semester at FSC, Cram Jam will take place the Sunday night before finals. Breakfast food and raffle prizes are staples of this event, along with last-minute studying if need be. Every school year concludes with the Farewell Festival, a carnival-esque sendoff to the academic year.
This year is no exception, there will be games, food and other attractions. This branch also features The Great Zodiac Race, a riddle-based game celebrating the Chinese New Year that takes participants around campus to win prizes, scheduled for Feb. 21.
For interactive events in the lineup, Mocs Live is the department to look for. They have open mics, Field Day in collaboration with SGA and various other activities. Mocs Live has a lot to provide students with more planned for the upcoming semester.
On Feb. 27, there will be an outdoor Laser Tag event with complimentary beverages and snacks. There will be an additional Mocs Live event scheduled on March 26, with details announced in the near future.

Film buffs, music lovers and anybody interested in entertainment over activity will have options as well. The Southern Cinema branch of ACE hosts movie showings throughout the semester with food and beverages for attendees, providing a comforting environment to watch these movies on the big screen with friends.
“Transformers” and “La La Land” are slated for this semester, on Jan 28 and Feb. 11, respectively. March 20 will be an Oscars Night, where the movie shown will be decided through a poll on the ACE Instagram.
There will be additional Southern Cinema events throughout the semester with dates and films announced at a later date.
Southern Sound covers live music events hosted by ACE, and the spring brings about Live on the Green. This is the performance that takes place during Frank Lloyd Wright Day, which will take place on April 10 this year.
“We plan a wide variety of different events, and there’s probably something for everybody to enjoy, at least one event,” ACE President Madeline Paquette said.
Paquette encouraged all FSC students to get involved with ACE, citing the Instagram page, posters and open meetings as good places to get information on upcoming events. That is how people can learn about event attendance, planning committees and volunteer opportunities.
“If anybody ever wants to help out, we are always looking for volunteers,” Paquette said.
You may find additional information on all ACE affairs on their Instagram @ace_fsc, and at their open meetings on the first Wednesday of every month of the academic year.