Bethany Schram
News Editor
Florida Southern will be welcoming several new additions to their campus grounds, in addition to the many renovations completed to update existing structures.
Official ribbon cutting on the Wynee Warden Dance Studio will be Nov. 7, though a soft opening will allow students to attend classes in the new building before.
The Florida Southern dance department will specialize in ballet, and will offer dance classes in modern and tap. Tap dance, however, will not be held in the new studio because the new floors we made for ballet flat shoes.
The Florida Dance Theater, FSC’s company in residence, a regional and professional dance company will help in the classroom and give students a sense of what a professional dance company is like.
Down the street from the dance studio, the Joe K. and Alberta Blanton Nursing Building will be adding a new addition to provide laboratory space, offices and two new classrooms.
Loretta Reinhart dean of nursing said, “Learning in the lab was near impossible without the addition of the second nursing laboratory. Last year we had 30 some nursing students in the sophomore class, this year that number has almost doubled, at least moving us into offering two sections for the didactic classes as well as additional sections for the lab sessions and for the off-campus clinical assignments.”
Kyle Fedler, FSC provost said that the Becker business building construction is going to schedule.
“The Becker Business building is going up, it runs up against the admissions building, so the plan is to take down the current admissions building and put up a new one,” Fedler said. “Timing on this is very nebulous at this point, we generally do not borrow money for any new buildings, I wont say that won’t happen, we’re just looking for some more strong donor support for it, but it would be nice to use the equipment we are already using for Becker,” Fedler said.
Louise Lamar Curry donated to support the graduate education program and will fund a new building for adult education with a lecture auditorium of 250 seats.
Allan Spivey, Joseph Reynolds and Edge Hall all received new hardwood flooring, in addition to the Thrift Alumni room, one of the largest multi propose rooms on campus, has been renovated for use.
Plans for renovations of Annie Pfeiffer chapel are also in the works, however no date has been issued to begin work.