Anna Bialkowski
News Editor
Dr. Jeremy P. Martin, hailing from the heights of educational experience at William & Mary, was officially appointed to his position as president at Florida Southern College on Aug 1. Following the 20-year tenure of Dr. Anne Kerr, Dr. Martin shares his mission, philosophy and appreciation around the college.
“There’s a lot of institutional grit here,” Martin said.
The foundation of institutional heritage is one of the characteristics that stands out to Martin about Florida Southern. The rich history of the college has integrated its way into student culture and community. Martin chuckles reminiscing about his mention of the oak tree by Buckstop being one of his favorite spots on campus, but it holds a special significance that he brings to light.
“When I talked about it in the video at Convocation yesterday, I dig that Buckstop tree because I’m not going to encounter any of those folks, but those folks walked or sat or were shaded by that Buckstop tree,” Martin said. “There is this great institutional heritage of both confidence that we are going to do big things together and the grit of being willing to do the work that it takes to accomplish those things.”
Martin continues to recall the abundant history of the college, and how the community built Florida Southern at its conception, and continues to be such an integral part of the college now.
“There’s also the grit of when Mr. Wright designed the campus, the students provided the labor,” Martin said. “There were older people [on this campus] who would come and they would touch a brick and they would say that ‘I put that brick there.’”
This generational ingenuity and passion for collaboration has formed the standard of the college, along with serving as the cornerstone relationship between faculty and students.
Martin describes the relationship between student and faculty in comparison to peddling on a bicyle.
“The metaphor I made was the notion of when you’re peddling a bike. It’s so much easier to get one leg over the hump of the next revolution when the other leg is pushing as hard as it can as well,” Martin said. “The faculty are peddling their side of the pedal, the students are peddling their ride of the pedal, and that’s really what turns that revolution of really positive engagement culture, and it makes it easier on both sides to do it.”
Martin goes on to say that because of the educational standard that Florida Southern upholds, the best students are attracted to the campus.
“I think there’s this great confidence among Florida Southern of, hey, we’re doing great things. The best and brightest are naturally going to be drawn here,” Martin said.
Martin holds a tripartite mission for upholding the integrity of the collegiate institution but ultimately for the success of students.
“We prepare graduates for lives of positive and consequential impact, number one … number two, through dynamic, engaged learning, and number three, in an iconic setting,” Martin said.
One of the key components of student success at FSC, according to Martin, is the tight-knit and trusting relationships that students and faculty form. Forged with finding friends through on campus organizations, and seeing familiar faces everyday, the goal for students is that they will find a sense of belonging.
“That’s what belonging means,” Martin said. “All the research points that the greatest indicator of the probability of student success is the depth of relationships they form.”
Moving into the semester, Martin extends his support and encourages students to have faith in themselves, saying that even in the stress of new beginnings, things always fall into place the way they are meant to.
“In the midst of all the other things you’re doing, when you’re doing and when you are giving, legitimately, your best effort, things just find a way to get done … you are enough,” Martin said. “This is all gonna be fine, and we’re glad that you’re here.”