The athletic department is in the process of renovating the Ruel B. Gilbert Gymnasium, as well as the George Jenkins Field House.
According to Director of Athletics Pete Meyer, the remodeling efforts are currently concentrated on the Jenkins Field House.
Florida Southern College is dealing with a Title IX evaluation to make sure that FSC athletics meets the Title IX requirements.
Title IX states that no person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.
One of these requirements considers offices, locker rooms and facilities.
“We’re in development to remodel all of our facilities,” Meyer said.
The Wynee Warden Tennis Center, which opened last year, was part of these renovations, as well as the gymnasium and lobby of Jenkins Field House.l.
The baseball offices and locker room facilities have been built off campus at Henley Field. This allows additional space for more teams in the Jenkins Field House.
To be in compliance with the Title IX requirements, some team locker room situations had to be moved around.
For instance, the women’s basketball, softball, soccer, lacrosse and volleyball teams were able to be moved from the Gilbert Gymnasium to the newly-remodeled locker rooms in Jenkins Field House.
“We still have to remodel the men’s restroom side and shower area,” Meyer said. “The Gilbert Gym locker room is now for men’s lacrosse, and the Gilbert Gym classrooms have been taken over as offices for men and women’s lacrosse and women’s golf.”
The classrooms were once used for P.E., human movement and performance, and athletic training classes.
However, the total renovation of the Gilbert Gymnasium has yet to be decided.
“We’ve moved in, but we haven’t renovated,” Meyer said. “We are in the process with the administration to make a plan on what we want to do, what we can do, with Gilbert Gym.”
The basement of Jenkins Field House will continue to be renovated while the administration is in the process of making decisions on the Gilbert Gymnasium renovations.
All of the locker rooms and bathrooms will be upgraded, as well as the coach’s offices. This is the next step in the athletic department’s remodeling efforts.
The athletic department has long-term remodeling plans as well. In the future, the department plans to renovate and build new stand-alone soccer, lacrosse and softball stadiums here on campus.
All funds for these renovations come from private donations.
“We’ve been fortunate,” Meyer said. “We have a number of people who want to be involved and support the development of our athletic program.”
Though there are great plans in store for the future, right now the athletic department’s main priority is to continue to upgrade the George Jenkins Field House and make plans for the renovations of Gilbert Gymnasium.
Photo by Leah Schwarting