Former Nickelodeon star Amanda Bynes is breaking into the Twittersphere once again. This time however, Bynes doesn’t seem to be up to her old tricks.
In the past year, Bynes has tweeted several offensive comments to other celebrities and even her own family.
The 27-year-old tweeted Rihanna, Drake, Jason Biggs, and Dr. Drew calling them all “ugly.” Bynes went as far as tweeting to Rihanna “Chris Brown beat you because you’re not pretty enough.” Bynes added that Rihanna was “tryin to be white.”
Rihanna responded to the offensive tweet with a tweet stating “Ya see what happens when they cancel ‘The Intervention’?”
Bynes’ offensive tweets at Drake followed a sexually loaded tweet telling Drake to “murder” her genitals.
Not only did Bynes’ verbally attack other celebrities, but even her own family.
Bynes tweeted last June that her older sister was “ugly” as well. Bynes’ also tweeted “Check out every photo of my sister Jillian. She’s not pretty!”
According to Radar Online, Bynes was diagnosed last September with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. She was then moved to the UCLA Medical Center for treatment.
Bynes has also had a history of arrests. It all started in 2012, when Bynes was charged with misdemeanor DUI. She pleaded to a lesser charge in February 2014 to a lesser offense.
Bynes was also charged last May with reckless endangerment and marijuana possesion. She was seen by building managers smoking pot in the lobby of her Manhattan hotel and threw a bong out of her apartment window.
However, over ther last few weeks, Bynes as been appearing to be in a better state of mind.
Bynes’ Twitter is completely clean; at this time Bynes has deleted all offensive tweets from her account.
One of Bynes’ most recent tweets informs her fans that she is studying hard at the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising in LA. The tweet also sends a shout-out to her fans, telling them she loves them. Bynes’ other tweet includes a picture of one of her sketches and announces to followers that her “@amandabynes” twitter handle is her only Twitter.
Is this just a small break from the lunacy for Bynes or could this change be for good?
Photo via Twitter