Samantha Hymson
Staff Writer
Florida Southern College’s bookstore has begun filing orders for books.
Here is how it works: A teacher places an order for the textbook he or she needs for their class next semester.
Once the order is placed, students can sell back the book they bought from the bookstore.
If there is no order yet, the book cannot be sold back to the bookstore until they get a teacher’s order.
Once the bookstore is ready to take the textbook back, they have to determine if the student will receive the retail price or the wholesale price.
The retail price means the bookstore needs it to fill an order and the student gets half of what they paid for the book. The wholesale price means that the bookstore does not need the book, but their wholesaler could use it, and therefore, the store buys it, but at a lesser price.
“After finding out I could get the retail price for my old textbooks, I am certainly selling back my books to the FSC bookstore,” Rebecca Schild, freshman, said.
The bookstore said that they have tried to make this process as simple as possible. However, FSC bookstore manager, Natalie Johnson, said,
“The best tip for selling back textbooks is to make sure that students have actually bought the book and not just rented it. We have had problems with students selling back rented textbooks and then they get fined for the full price of the textbook.”