Raven Leverett
Assistant Features Editor
“He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”
The previous verse is from Micah 6:8, which is the verse Tzedek follows as their motto.
Tzedek means justice in Hebrew. Tzedek is a campus ministry organization that is a social justice club.
“Bringing justice to the oppressed, and as Christians we can bring that on campus,” previous President of Tzedek Jessica Yost said.
One of the major goals of the social justice club is to raise money for charities.
“Tzedek focuses on justice, and that can be as broad as raising money for Kristen’s House for victims of human trafficking,” current President of Tzedek Katie McKenna said. “Also, they have built a well, and a day without shoes. We also challenged people to leave $2 a day.”
On April 11, Tzedek had a coffee house event where they raised money for a girl’s shelter in Miami that has girls that were a part of trafficking. The shelter is called Kristen’s House.
The coffee house is an event that happens several times a year. The previous President of Tzedek, Jessica Yost, started the coffee house event for a way to raise money to support victims of things such as human trafficking and slavery.
The coffee they use at these events is free trade coffee, meaning that the people who harvest the coffee are making a fair wage.
At the event last Thursday, the members of Tzedek sold the coffee and baked goods for $2.
The money raised at the event went to the shelter in Miami.
“Tzedek is its own thing. Other campuses have things like Tzedek. We partner sometimes with other clubs on campus such as Women Advocacy,” Yost said.
At the event on Thursday, Women’s Advocacy had a tri-fold board and was giving away purple folders.
People can get involved in Tzedek by attending meetings that are every other Tuesday.