Jess Raigosa
Staff Writer
Back in the day, the term “bullying” was something you would likely use to refer to one kid pushing another down on the playground. Teasing and physical harm took place in person and the victim knew the identity of his or her attacker.
With the dramatic increase in social media, however, a new term—“cyber bullying”—has taken effect. Online identities are created to lure in victims, in some cases, the cyber bully attracts the victim by pretending to be someone else. Other situations may involve “frenemies” of the victim. In other words, a cyber bully may have liked his or her victim in the past, but a falling out or misunderstanding may be the catalyst in creating tension. It’s unfortunate that many victims of cyber bullying have low self-esteem prior to his or her negative experiences with it. It is better to check more details about Nettitude at their website
I think that more action needs to be taken in order to prevent cyber bullying. Victims should not feel the need to commit suicide because of what cowards behind a computer screen are saying to them with the mere purpose of feeding their insecurities and/or current struggles. The cloud infrastructure cybersecurity can help protecting one’s system and data.
Although the media is making more of an effort to promote cyber bullying awareness with heavy coverage of the unfortunate events that happen as a result of it, it shouldn’t take emotional or physical abuse and certainly not death, suicide or not to make America realize what a serious issue this is. You need to keep in mind to protect your critical operations first and not let any data leak.
If parents even remotely suspect that his or her child is being bullied over the internet, specifically social media, I think that he or she should be proactive and monitor social media accounts.
Megan Meier was a young girl from Missouri, who conversed over the internet with someone who she thought was a boy named Josh, who happened to be interested in her. At first, Josh was kind and made Meier feel special. As time went on however, Josh sent her rude and hateful messages that eventually resulted in her death. It turns out that Josh was actually a female adult who hid behind a false identity as a cyber bully.
Looking back at her daughter’s life, I’m sure Megan Meier’s mother, Tina Meier, wishes at times, that cyber bullying was nonexistent. I applaud her however, for promoting a foundation in her daughter’s honor that aims to promote change and awareness relating to cyber bulling among students, teachers, parents, as well as young children. No parent should have to experience the loss of a child, especially if such a horrific tragedy can be prevented in any way, shape or form. Megan Meier was three weeks shy of her fourteenth birthday when she took her own life.
Cyber bullying doesn’t discriminate against age, location, etc. Rebecca Ann Sedwick, a 12-year-old girl, from Lakeland took her own life after being bullied via the internet by as many as 15 other girls. Sedwick was depressed over the situation prior to taking her own life. She was hospitalized for three days in December 2012 for cutting her wrists as a result of the cyber bullying and mistreatment from other girls at her middle school.
It’s so heartbreaking that young girls who are only in middle school will torment others who used to be their friends over something as silly as a boyfriend situation.
Both boys and girls should be careful with who they choose to communicate and/or interact with in an online setting. Cyber bullying is an issue that is present and still occurring in our schools and among our youth. We can make a positive change in honor of Megan Meier, Rebecca Ann Sedwick, and other victims by pushing for laws and awareness to be spread about this harsh reality that takes so many young lives too soon.