Hannah Keister
Over the summer, The Center for Student Involvement worked to replace MOCsync with a platform called Engage. The platform was designed to be easier for students to use than MOCsync, while still allowing them to keep track of their involvement on campus.
In the past, students have said that MOCsync was confusing and difficult to use. This created a problem for students trying to track their campus involvement, as well as student leaders trying to manage their organizations.
Engage allows students to more easily accomplish these tasks with its user-friendly layout. Overall, the change has received a positive reaction from students.
“I find that Engage is easier to use than MOCsync because its home screen has a better layout and the tabs are much easier to follow,” FSC Senior Ben Sund said.
Sund is an FSC Residential Advisor, Vice President of the Harry Potter Club, and is a member of several other campus clubs and organizations. As a result, he has used MOCsync frequently to keep track of these organizations and now uses Engage.
“Engage has a system of having a managing side and an explorer side. The managing is useful un managing the different clubs and organizations, and for me, community living documents necessary for my RA role,” Sund said.
Upperclassmen at FSC have been waiting for the kind of change that Engage is bringing to how student organizations can run.
“I think that Engage is a huge step in the right direction for the school,” FSC Senior and SGA Vice President of Academics Greg Imhoff said. “Engage is so much easier to navigate than MOCsync, more user-friendly, and just overall better.”
Despite the positive reception to Engage, students have been experiencing trouble logging on for the first time to explore their new campus involvement platform.
“Students are supposed to be able to transfer their MOCsync info over, but the transfer isn’t going as smoothly as would’ve been preferred,” Imhoff said.
If students find they cannot log in to Engage with their MOCsync login, they can find the help they need at Rinker Technology Center. There are also several resources that students can uses if they have questions about or trouble with Engage.
The Center for Student Involvement is able to answer any questions and help with the transition to Engage. The number for their office is (863)-680-4499. In addition, students can contact the Director of Student Involvement, Allison Manning, at her email: amanning@flsouthern.edu.
All students should have also received an email with basic information on Engage as well as a link to an informational video.