Lexi Potter
Constitution Day is hosted by the freshman class each year as part of their introductory political science class requirements.
Each year, the Freshman students from the ‘Methods of Political Science’ and ‘International Relations’ courses are given an assignment as a group to plan an event for Constitution day. The event must have a location, speakers, food, educational entertainment, etc.
Constitution Day is Sept. 17, and celebrates the ratification of the US Constitution in 1787. This year, the event will be from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m. in the lobby of Joseph Reynolds Hall on Sept. 17.
“The students have to remember that this is not ‘like’ real life, it is real life and they need to treat it that way,” Associate Professor of Political Science Dr. Bruce Anderson said.
Justice R. Fred Lewis, a former member of the Florida Supreme Court, and a new face at Florida Southern College with the justice teaching program, will be a speaker at the event.
“We’re all working very hard to make sure everyone has a great time and we’re looking forward to everyone coming and having a great time,” committee member Logan Buffa said.
Students have roughly a month to plan an event together. Those involved split into committees, delegate responsibilities and carry through to host a patriotic event.
“So far planning constitution day has been a collaborative effort,” Isabella Suarez said. “Overall there’s been a select few that have maintained constant contact between all of the committees. It’s been a great learning experience on how to join forces with other individuals you have just met.”
Once the students have split into committees and delegated tasks to each committee, they each take on responsibilities within that committee.
“I have coordinated to have the star spangled banner performed and various other aspects of the entertainment committee.” Matthew Favillo said. “It has been interesting doing this because I have really learned about my peers. Planning has been stressful due to factors out of our control. I am excited for this event and I hope we have a good turnout.”