Leah Schwarting
For those who don’t know, Game of Thrones is a political fantasy drama based on the book series by George R.R. Martin.
HBO picked up the series and produced a carefully crafted series filled with unique fashions, settings, house colors and sigils and history.
Fans have praised the series. The series isn’t just the books made into a series, though: it continually incorporates new elements to keep fans of the books guessing and on the edge of their seats.
Beyond that, the actors and actresses are amazing. Peter Dinklage in particular has drawn praise, and he certainly deserves it for his portrayal of Tyrion Lannister, the outcast in his house.
As an avid fan of the book series, my personal praise goes out to Maisie Williams and Isaac Hempstead Wright, the two child actors who play Arya and Bran Stark. These two were given incredibly difficult and important roles and both play them beautifully.
The series left fans in a major cliffhanger after the failed siege of King’s Landing by Stannis Baratheon, one of the contenders for the throne. This left the Lannisters triumphant, meaning that when season two ended, most of my favorite characters were injured, imprisoned, on the run, or dead.
Others were being chased by the White Walkers, the main monsters of the series. So you can say that I was very excited for season three.
The premiere did not disappoint. It opened on a black screen with the sounds of battle. Immediately afterwards we were treated with a scene of Sam Tarly, John Bradley, getting chased and nearly killed by a White Walker. The White Walker was then attacked by a wolf, and then lit on fire. Great way to start off.
Meanwhile, the Starks continued their march against the Lannisters, tensions heated up between the Tyrells and the Lannisters and plots were hatched.
This season also showed Daenerys’s dragons, not as small creatures perched on her shoulder, but as much bigger and more animated creatures. These dragons were flying, swimming and breathing fire casually.
The characters had changed since the first season, and the premiere didn’t let anyone forget that. Daenerys, played by Emilia Clarke, was aloof and angry, a startling change from her timid character in the first episode of the series.
Robb Stark, played by Richard Madden, was angry and willing to make tough decisions, even if it meant putting his own mother in jail.
Probably the most emotional scene in the episode was when Tyrion confronted his overbearing father Tywin, Charles Dance. When Tywin went on a rant Tyrion stayed silent. You could really see the muscles in Dinklage’s face contort, his anguish at not saying anything compounded by his impassive face.
The episode refused to let up. Each different character and plot line were given due time, but not enough so that we weren’t hungry for more.
The only real complaint I have about the episode was the fact that Arya wasn’t in it. I know it’s picky, but she is my favorite character, and when we last left her she was running away from a Lannister keep with her band of misfits.
However, I have the feeling that I’ll be seeing more of her soon. I do have to be patient: there is a whole season left after all, so there’s plenty of time.
The third book, which this series is based on, is called “A Storm of Swords.” The opening certainly doesn’t let us forget that, with each side gearing up to fight against the other. If that isn’t ominous, than I don’t know what is.
The series also constantly reminds us, using the Stark’s house motto, that ‘Winter is coming.’ In other words, the worst times are yet to come for our heroes. I can’t wait.