Eighty-one years ago, German Nazis raided the homes, schools and businesses of Jewish people across Germany and Austria. Today, at 5:30, Hillel, Florida Southern College’s Jewish student organization, will be remembering the pogrom, called “Kristallnacht,” or “Night of Broken Glass,” at a vigil by the Water Dome.
Dr. Catherine Eskin, an English professor and advisor for Hillel, says the vigil holds relevance beyond the event almost a century ago—renewed Anti-Semitism globally has spawned attacks similar to Kristallnacht on synagogues in Pittsburgh, PA and Halle, Germany in the past year.
In response to the attack, Hillel is partnering with Halle’s “Jewish Culture Days” to maintain awareness at FSC of Jewish culture. At the Kristallnacht event, students will be invited to participate in a prayer and light candles in commemoration.
“It’s a beautiful prayer,” Eskin said. “It doesn’t say anything about death; it doesn’t complain; it’s all about praise.”
Dr. Plavnieks, a history professor with a Holocaust studies specialty, will give a small informative session at the beginning of the event.