Mariah Nichols, Staff Writer
The smell of warm cookies baking brings us to our childhood with our mothers and grandmothers, but with the hustle and bustle of adulthood we simply forget the comfort of homemade baking. Crumb & Get It Cookie Company, located at 2510 S. Florida Ave. directly across from the Southgate Publix Super Market, will soon open their doors to Lakeland inviting everyone to enjoy the sweet side of life.
“Crumb & Get It Cookie Company began with a dream to provide a service to the community and provide a place for people to connect with each other and enjoy a treat,” said co-owner Christina Portillo.
This bakery was started back in 2007 by Chris and Kelly McMurray as a small franchise business in Blacksburg, Va. In March of 2015, Maria Portillo and daughter-in-law Christina Portillo, who are long time family friends of the McMurrays, signed with Crumb & Get It to bring it to Lakeland, Fla.
“We absolutely love living in Lakeland with all of its beauty and wanted to bring something ‘fresh and new’ to the market,” Christina Portillo stated.
And that they did! This bakery sets themselves apart from other competitors with their unique concept of allowing their customers to make their own cookie. You choose what cookie dough you would like, which could be classic sugar, chocolate, peanut butter or oatmeal. Then the fun part starts where you select what mix ins you’d like baked in your cookie dough with tons of varieties to choose from such as butterscotch, macadamia nuts, M&M’s, Snickers, Oreos and so much more! They even have an option where you can have a s’mores cookie just by picking chocolate cookie dough with mix ins such as marshmallows and graham crackers.
“The concept is this,” Christina Portillo explains “Walk in, pick your dough, then your mix-ins, sit back and in less than ten minutes you’ll have fresh-baked, warm cookies with milk or coffee.”
Crumb & Get It also provides “Grab & Go” gourmet goodies such as cupcakes, cookies, ice cream and so much more. They even offer complimentary delivery and catering options for special events.
The menu also includes selections for those who are allergic or sensitive to gluten, which makes enjoying baked goods and treats a challenge.
“We pride ourselves with fresh, real ingredients, zero added preservatives, made in-house cookies,” she added “We will offer a limited selection of gluten gree cookies and up to twelve hand-dipped gluten free ice cream flavors.”
This new bakery will also make local college students happier with special orders and options of delivery just for them! Florida Southern College students will rejoice because Crumb & Get It is only 13 minutes away.
“Just for students, we will offer care packages, delivery to both on and off campus housing, and an ‘exam cram’ package,” Portillo states.
Although an exact date for the grand opening of Crumb & Get It is yet to be announced, the Lakeland community can rest assured they are in for a sweet time.
“You can expect free samples, live music, door prizes, gift cards, and you can even enter to win a Mini iPad with your purchase,” she explains.
So when we need a little comfort, Crumb & Get It will bring us back to the simple joys of a soft warm cookie reminding everyone it’s never too far away.
For more information, go to www.crumbandgetit.com. You can also Like their Facebook page and get updates on their grand opening by going to Crumb & Get It Lakeland.