Fellow Students,

This page of the Southern is exclusively dedicated to issues surrounding the elections of a new Student Government Association Executive Board. 

Some of the names on this paper may be familiar to you—you may even hold some of them dear and close to you—or you may be reading about people completely new to you.

Each of them is a person that already has been and wants to continue serving your needs on campus. Some have done so through clubs and advocacy networks on campus. Others have served as your senators or on their own by engaging on community service outside of FSC. 

That said, much is changing. The board that you elect this semester will not look like past SGA Exec Boards.

Some positions, like Vice President of Diversity and Inclusion, haven’t existed before this election. Some of the board members’ roles have shifted in terms of how each position specifically will serve you next year. 

At the Southern, we believe that an informed electorate, whether the vote is for a student government organization or our national government, makes the best choices for itself. 

We want to bridge the gap between the issues and concerns that each of you care about on campus, from wheelchair accessibility and sustainable living on-campus to what kind of bagels are in Tutu’s.

The Southern Staff also holds dear the knowledge of your indispensability to this campus. Believe it or not, your opinions hold weight. The reason Town Hall and SGA elections exist is to give you another kind of platform from which you, the student body, calls for change. 

So, this week, vote. Vote for the candidate that you think represents you, the candidate that cares about the issues you care about, the candidate who will think of you before making a decision, the candidate whose foundation is on solid ground. It is on this foundation that this institution will build in some way in the coming year. 

All of the words that you see above are the candidates’ own, excerpted from interviews. 

Please vote; go Mocs!

Peter Edgar