Assia Angelini, Staff Writer
Southern takeover is coming Saturday, March 19 headliners are electronica artist Robert Delong and rapper Lil Dicky. This exclusive concert on Mr. George’s Green is arguably the most exciting event on campus, and nothing is more fun than going to a concert featuring artists that you’re familiar with. Being able to sing along and connect with the performers live is one of the best parts of a concert; so if you’re anything like me, you like to do a little research beforehand so you can get the most out of the experience.
Robert Delong has had a long career in music. He started in high school as a member of various poppunk bands and continued in his move from Seattle to L.A. to study music at Azusa Pacific University. It was in L.A. that he was first inspired by the electronic influences found in rave music. From there, he released his first EP in 2013 titled, Just Movementwith Glassnote Records. Since then, he’s released two more albums, The Long Way Down (2014), and most recently In the Cards (2015). In his new album, he discusses thematic elements from his interest in tarot cards, asking questions such as: Is our destiny ours? or is our path already “in the cards?”
Lil Dicky is a comediangonerapper hailing from the uppermiddle class suburbs of Philadelphia. Interestingly enough, when he graduated college he worked in an ad agency as an account manager before being moved to their creative department. Although he’s been rapping since the age of 14, he initially started making rap videos to further showcase his talents as a comedian. However, he found that he loved rapping and started his rap career with a motivation to change the game forever. His first mixtape, Go Hard, dropped in 2013 and was met with praise for his unique satirical storytelling utilizing rap in a way not initially associated with the genre. He went on to release his debut album, Professional Rapper,in 2015. The album features more of the same relatable, creative, storytelling that Lil Dicky has built his brand off of.
While knowing an artist’s background gives additional insight into their music, the best way to experience and really get to know what an artist is about is to listen to their music! Getting into a brand new artist can be a bit overwhelming if one doesn’t know where to start, that’s why we’ve compiled a starter playlist to dip your toes into. Hopefully, diving into the music now will take your experience at Southern Takeover to a new level!