Samantha Hymson
Staff Writer
On Jan. 23, the Association of Camus Entertainment (ACE) presented the Mocs Comedy Night featuring James Davis.
Although there was a late location change from the Bandshell to the Thrift Alumni Room and the show was pushed back an hour, anyone who missed it missed the best comedy act at Florida Southern College this year.
Not only did FSC students enjoy the performance, but there was free hot chocolate that made everyone leave with smiles on their faces.
James Davis, for all who do not know, is a Los Angles Comedian who has been featured on “Wild ‘n Out,” “Chelsea Lately,” and is infamous for his President Barack Obama impressions.
He has also just recently joined the cast of “The Real Husbands of Hollywood.” When asked if he prefers doing live stand-up comedy or television shows, he said “it’s a tie.”
In only an hour-long show he had a few people who literally were on the floor with laughter. He was definitely not a clean comedian, but clearly by the amount of laughter in the room, none of the audience members seemed to care.
He was cursing, making drug and alcohol references, and had a show filled with sexual innuendos.
Davis’ jokes ranged from talking about the lack of black people at small liberal arts schools, like Florida Southern, to talking about how cleaning out your ears with a Q-tip is a pleasure comparable with the pleasure of coming during sex.
Although most of the audience was probably disturbed by at least one of Davis’ jokes, all was well in the world of comedy since most people were still laughing by the end of the show.
The audience had the honor of hearing Davis do his Obama jokes, complete with full on impressions of him.
“I don’t know how he does it, but he really sounds just like Barack Obama. If I closed my eyes, I would swear the President was in the room,” sophomore Emily Snyder said.
Davis’ favorite thing about being a comedian is just “the laughter. I love hearing people laugh.”
He also said he loved performing at colleges because he felt like he was “connecting to the younger generation” and his “future fans.”
At the end of the show, many members of the audience were lining up to talk to Davis and take pictures with him. Candice Robinson, sophomore, said she only had one word to describe the show, “hilarious.”