LAKELAND, FL – Florida Southern College Communication and Political Science students intersect with Nfocus Visual Communication to produce three 30-second political commercials.
With nearly $1 billion spent on political advertising during the 2014 mid-term elections, this collaborative project brings a relevant tangible engaged learning experience to Florida Southern students. “From conception to creation, this project was a great fit for the Political Advertising course. It brings course content to life,” Assistant Professor of Digital Media William Allen explained.
“It was really amazing being able to help create a commercial motivating people to exercise their right to vote! And of course, dressing up like a villain was a plus,” Senior Political Science student Brianna Turbeville stated.
Seventeen students pitched their thirty-second spots to representatives from Nfocus Visual Communication, an award-winning film and video production company based in Lakeland, FL. Students moved into an aggressive pre-production strategy that concluded with a full day of production.
“We always enjoy working with FSC students, but this project was a bit different as these three spots have clear political messages. Great opportunity for them,” Nfocus Director Tim Register added.
Students plan to finish the post-production process and target a small digital media buy before the semester concludes.