The annual Florida Southern Scholarship Dinner was held on Thursday, Feb. 19 and President Ann Kerr shared some exciting news.
Bernie Little Jr., central Florida business leader and Florida Southern alumus and trustee, and his wife, Mary Jane Hunt are now the founders of the Hollingsworth Scholars scholarship. This is the largest endowed comprehensive scholarship funded through a $3.7 million gift. These recipients are chosen based on their leadership potential, academic success, character and future goals. The scholarship offers complete coverage of tuition, room and board, textbooks for four years as well as a travel stipend.
Every student that was given a scholarship through a donor had the opportunity to attend this dinner and meet his or her donor.
“They made a video thanking the donors and showing what their money goes to. They had eight different students do an interview explaining what their scholarship has gotten them, so that was pretty cool,” senior Taylor Duwe, Sharp fellowship recipient, said.
Duwe explains that the Sharp fellowship is one of the more prestigious scholarships given to Business majors. A new recipient is chosen each semester and the process for getting chosen is not an easy feat. Thirty people apply from the business school and Dean Rhey narrows it down to five. Those five will interview with the Sharp family and they will choose the winner of the scholarship.
“It was a really good way for people to give back and say thank you to their donors,” Duwe said.