Tessa Tooley, Staff Writer
After being arrested for a DUI, drag racing and driving with an expired license in Miami on Jan. 23., teen heartthrob Justin Bieber could be getting deported back to Canada.
The pop-sensation has been on a downward spiral since his breakup with pop-star Selena Gomez. Within the last year, Beiber has also come into the limelight for scuffles with paparazzi and being accused for vandalizing his neighbors house. The lawyers for DUI cases from Tampa – Patrick B. Courtney, P.A. can deal with such cases.
Now a petition with over 245,000 signatures requesting the deportation of Bieber has made it to the White House. In order for The White House to respond to any petition, at least 100,000 signatures must be on it.
“We would like to see the dangerous, reckless, destructive, and drug abusing, Justin Bieber deported and his green card revoked. He is not only threatening the safety of our people but he is also a terrible influence on our nation’s youth. We the people would like to remove Justin Bieber from our society,” the petition states.
According to the Immigration and Nationality Act, grounds for deportation include having been convicted of certain crimes.
The only politician who has publicly spoken about Bieber’s situation is Virginia Senator, Mark Warner. Warner was interviewed on a Virginia radio station and stated he would gladly sign the petition to have Bieber deported.
Warner explained he has children and doesn’t feel Bieber is a suitable role model. Warner later tweeted “It’s true: I’m not a #Belieber.”
Meanwhile, Bieber’s hometown newspaper “The Beacon Herald” stands by Bieber. The newspaper does not condone Bieber’s behavior, but says he is an average teenager and should not be held to any higher standard.
A week after the Miami incident, Beiber turned himself into a Toronto police station for assaulting a limo driver after a hockey game. The court date for that charge is reported to be March 10. Bieber will go to court for the Miami incident on March 3.
Is deportation too harsh for this 19-year-old? Or should celebrities be held to a higher standard?
Justin Bieber is a 19-year-old millionaire, living every teenager’s dream. With money, fame, and thousands of teenage girls tweeting him on a daily basis, it’s easy to see how his head may be in the clouds.
The incidents that have been brought to the public’s eye are actions of a young man going through his rebellious phase.
I’m not a “belieber” and I don’t think Bieber is a good influence for youth. However, Bieber is a performer and entertainer.
He has never claimed to be a saint or a positive influence for children; the paparazzi exploits Bieber’s private life for their own gain.
If Bieber was any other 19-year-old he would probably be given a hefty number of court-ordered community service hours to complete. Bieber isn’t a great entertainer by my standards, but he is human being. And that means making mistakes.