Katy Brown
Staff Writer
Halloween is one of the biggest events of the year for the students of Florida Southern. Several student organizations have been planning on ways to celebrate this holiday through various events set throughout the Halloween week.
The Florida Southern Halloween festivities started off with the campus’s annual Spooky Bingo event, which was on Oct. 25.
The event kicked off at 7 p.m., and the fun lasted until 10 p.m. Sponsored by the Residence Hall Association, it was only fitting that Spooky Bingo took place in the Joseph Reynold’s Residency Hall.
The beautiful and elegant Eleanor Searle Room was transformed into the ultimate Halloween-themed hotspot, where the actual game of bingo was hosted.
In the main lobby of J.R., many other Halloween-themed activities were set up for students. Some of these activities included pumpkin painting, guess the weight and guess the object.
Winners of these activities got to leave with special prizes. Everybody in attendance got to leave with candy, since we are all a bit too old to go trick-or-treating ourselves.
Students of all ages and grades attended, and some even came dressed in costume. Many students said that this event was a great way to kick off the Halloween season, and a fun way to spend time with friends and even make new ones.
“It was really fun,” freshman Jessie Finocchiaro said. “I went because I heard there was free candy. I honestly wasn’t planning on staying long at all, but the activities were really creative and well organized.”
The Multicultural Student Council Manhunt is another popular Halloween-themed event that takes places every fall on campus. Sponsored by the Multicultural Student Council, this event put students into the persona of a detective as they scour across campus into the night.
It is the MSC kickoff for their annual Mocsquerade Ball.
The following day, Zeta Tau Alpha sponsored an event called Pumpkin Smash, which lasted from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. This event took a spin off of the typical pumpkin carving tradition of Halloween, and instead of creating kooky pumpkin designs, students destroyed pumpkins.
Oct. 31 is the most exciting day of events for the campus. There will be a Halloween-themed party, called Club Monster Mash, which will be held in the field between Nicholas and Wesley. This event will include a night full of music, dancing and Halloween fun.
The Mocsquerade Ball was the biggest, most anticipated Halloween event on campus. This annual event was sponsored by the MSC. It started at 7 p.m. and lasted until 10 p.m. in the J.R. lobby.
Every student was invited, and all were encouraged to dress up in a creative Halloween costume. President of the Multicultural Student Council Amanda Meads said there would be a costume contest. According to Meads, the best costume would win a $100 Visa gift card, second place would win a $50 gift card, and third place would win a $25 gift card.
“There will also be food and music – it’s just going to be a fun time,” Meads said.
Florida Southern College definitely embraces the holiday seasons, and Halloween is no exception.
Even if you were too busy studying to attend any of these events, students could still feel the Halloween spirit with all the creative decorations that adorn Wynee’s Bistro, the Undercaf and the Moc Mart.
No matter where you were or what you were doing, FSC was sure to make you feel the Halloween spirit this fall season.