In the world where social media is always on people’s minds, are we over sharing about what is going on in our lives?
Although I may not want to hear the gruesome details of my cousin being hung over last night, most social media sharing is genuinely informative.
If you post a bunch of pictures everyday then yes, sharing photos may get very annoying. However, many photos people share can give you ideas about how to decorate your room, make a handmade gift, or just set up some really cute photos with your friends or significant other.
When it comes to events going on in Lakeland and on campus, social media is usually the easiest way for me to find out what is going on and when. By sharing about events, social media is my ticket to free food on campus and the best events in the local area.
One of the most important things social media sharing has given me is the ability to constantly know what is going on around the world. Because I have Facebook friends in other countries, I get to see the news they share from their country’s perspective. It gives me more information than I would know by just watching the local and U.S. news. I get to be more informed without having to do nearly any research on my own.
“I love that Facebook gives me the ability to see worldwide news and local news by just scrolling down my news feed. As a busy nursing major I do not always have time to watch the news as much as I want. But now Facebook has given me a short overview of world and local news that my friends are sharing and I love it,” said FSC junior Jennifer Gray.
The most valuable information social media sharing gives is when someone shares about his or her friend who is ill and needs help through prayers or fundraising. I feel like I can help make a difference in that person’s life if I am able to help based on the information shared with me on social media. For example, through Facebook I found out that my childhood friend from camp was diagnosed with thyroid cancer and had to have major surgery to cure the disease. I was able to share this information on Facebook to inform my friend of her condition and the website and locations for people to donate money to help her pay for her medical bills. Through her friends’ efforts and Facebook sharing, the family received thousands of dollars to help pay her medical bills. Now, she is in remission and is able to continue to go to college without having to worry about paying off her medical expenses.
Over sharing may be a real problem for some on social media, but sharing really is caring most of the time. Seeing photos give me crafty and fun ideas to use in my life. I also get to know what is happening on campus, in Lakeland, and all over the world through what my friends share with me on Facebook. Sharing my friend’s story on social media did make a positive difference in her life and that alone should be enough reason to keep sharing stories on social media.