Danika Thiele
Staff Writer
Hundreds of shirts will line the breezeway of Badcock Garden on Feb. 4 at 5 p.m. Tattooed with quotes, memories, and lyrics these articles of clothing shout a very strong message. They are just a part of Florida Southern College’s initiative to prevent Title IX sexual discrimination.
The second annual Just Asktival event includes these Clothesline Project t-shirts and various booths by many organizations. The goal of the campus-wide event is to connect the members of the FSC community with campus resources related to personal safety. In addition to the Lakeland Police Department, the Peace River Center, Women’s Advocacy Club, Alpha Chi Omega, Zeta Tau Alpha and Pi Kappa Alpha are partnering to make the special event one to remember.
What is Just Ask? Just Ask is FSC’s initiative to prevent Title IX sexual discriminations of all forms through education and awareness. But anti-discrimination is more than just a law, it’s a way of life.
“It reflects who we are at FSC,” said Amanda Blount, Director of Student Education and Compliance. “We at Florida Southern share a common belief that every individual should be able to work and study in an environment free from discrimination, harassment, or intimidation based on race, color, religion, gender, and any other distinctions.”
This yearly event will provide our campus community with vital information from campus departments and organizations to keep our community educated, supported, and safe.
According to Blount, it’s “important to show the importance on what it means to live the FSC Cornerstone and create a community of care.” Just Asktival stresses that community members should know themselves, trust themselves, and respect themselves and others.
“One of the first words that comes to mind when I think about Florida Southern College is community,” said Blount. She says the students value people and relationships, and any unwelcomed situations should be handled in such a way that the community members know they are not alone. They can always “Just Ask” and receive support through the plentiful resources on campus and within the community.
The president of Women’s Advocacy Club, Lauren Griffin, said, “We’ll be having a booth at the event to support the Just Ask initiative and bring awareness about our club. Women’s Advocacy Club brings light to Title IX issues as well as human trafficking. We love the opportunity to be able to team up with other organizations to spread awareness in our community.”
Blount says she is “happy to come provide ‘Just Ask’ training with student organizations, athletic teams, or through classroom presentations.”
Just Ask can be reached through Twitter at @fscjustask, Facebook at www.facebook/FSCStudentSupporrt, or email at fscjustask@flsouthern.edu.