By W James

Recently, the Florida Southern College Student Government Association held a Town Hall. The event was livestreamed while members of the student body, faculty, and administration discussed questions that had been submitted to the event.

One of the longer conversations had to do with campus ministries. The Florida Southern College administration was criticized for a lack of support for the program, both in budgeting and in communication with other departments.

“We have two wonderful full time chaplains programming it. I am sorry you get the sense that we misplaced you and that is unfortunate,” Kyle Fedler, Provost and Vice President of Student Affairs, said.

Mike Crawford, Director of Church Relations, was brought up to help explain the situation. He talked about how shared space on campus is a problem and that the Annie Pfeiffer Chapel is the second-largest-seated place on campus.

“When it comes to Scholar’s Weekend and things, Admissions says [whether] we’re using the chapel or the Fannin Center. I don’t think it’s meant to be like ‘one department is better than the other’. However, that’s how it comes across. The way things are taken care of it feels like we are just being used.” Terrence DeAvilla, Worship Leader of Beyond Campus Ministries, said.

Crawford explained that he understands that he feels that the people doing campus ministries may feel like they are being forced out. However, a lecture hall being attached to the new admissions building will help remedy those scheduling conflicts with the ministries.

“Not to say it all comes down to money, but programming does involve money and the funding we have doesn’t reflect any acknowledgement of campus ministries.” Julianna Coughlin, Secretary of Beyond Campus Ministries, remarked.

President Anne Kerr responded by saying that they did increase the amount of money campus ministries get. Fedler also added that if it is a money issue that they have no problems looking at the budget and seeing if there is anything they can do.

Later, a question was posed about the security on campus and what campus security is doing about the recent burglaries.

“As you know, on the 9th of January there were six car burglaries on a Harvard Road smash-and-grab. Harvard Road was an area we should have paid more attention too because of the increased enrollment” Bill Carew, Director of Campus Safety and Security, said.

Carew assured that more campus security are patrolling the area of the burglaries. He also advised that students keep anything of value out of the car and keep the doors locked because the suspects were pulling on car handles.

“We ask, if you see something out of place, pass it on to us. If you see something wrong report it; we will go check it out. We are trying to make initiatives to make this campus safer.” Carew said.

If you want to know more about what happened at Town Hall, you may contact the Student Government Organization or visit the “SGA of FSC” Facebook page to watch the livestream.


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