The water ski team won third place at the Eastern Regional Championship.
“I would not call us winners, but I would not call us losers either,” Erika Borton, captain of the water ski team, said.
The entire team attended the Championship, but only the A team skied.
“I think our team did really well for what we could have done. Personally I did well in two events but not the other one,” Borton said
According to Borton she was not confortable with the skis she was wearing. The skis she owns are too big for her so she had to switch.
“We ski all year, almost every day. We practice Monday through Sunday,” Borton said.
The conditions in the competition did not help the athletes according to Lauren Harris, freshman water skier.
“It was windy and the water was choppy,” Harris said.
Some of the conditions that affect an athlete are the type of lake, the boat, the driver, the water’s temperature Borton added.
The hardest part is how you feel before you ski, nerves and fear play into game according to Borton.
“Especially for slalom I need to go out for a better mind set, that I am going to do better,” Borton said.
Harries is injured, but she still went to support her team.
“There was a lot of fun at the tournament. My team did pretty well, we could have done better,” Harris said.
The next tournament is in two weeks. Borton believes that the team is ready and they have been training a lot for Nationals.
“I love my team they are all really good. We are really supportive, we cheer for everyone when they go out to ski,” Borton said.
Harris also agrees that the team is prepared for the Nationals.
The captains of the team try to make everyone feel welcome.
“My team is even better than what I expected. Everyone is so cool. I love my team. They are a lot of fun,” Harris said.
The team respects their captains and communicate with them any time they need to.
“The team views us as leaders, not only because we are the captains but also because we are seniors and we have been here a long time,” Borton said.
Jumps is one of the favorite events for Borton, she enjoys the adrenaline.
“It iss scary but really rewarding,” Borton said.
Borton is a senior but she is not ready to say goodbye to a sport that has been present in her entire life. She will continue skiing after she is done with school.
Photo Courtesy of fscmocs.com