Rebecca Padgett
Opinions Editor
On my latest, weekly Facebook venture I scrolled through my five friend requests to find the usual “wife-beater” wearing thugs and too old for Facebook men.
One request caught my eye, though. FSC Compliments? Whatever is this?
Upon clicking on the icon I was directed to a page decked out in all things red, white, blue and Mocs. I immediately cringed thinking this was yet another cliche “Go Mocs” page.
I quickly realized that this page was not a scam and that 179 of my friends were also following the mysterious Moc page.
As I scrolled down the page I came across students who were tagged in nice and encouraging messages.
Before I scrolled any further I wanted to see what exactly these random acts of kindness were all about.
When I clicked on the “About” tab I was met with this statement:
“This is a social project that was originally started by the students at Queen’s University and has since been started at many schools.”
I read further to find just how this site operates.
“Here’s how it works: Inbox a compliment for an FSC student and it will be published here anonymously. If there’s something you’ve always wanted to say to someone that you don’t want to say directly, or if you just want to make somebody’s day, now’s your chance! Your name will be kept anonymous. No rude, mean, or hateful remarks will even be considered for posting.”
At first I was awestruck with the positivity of this site, considering past pages such as FSC Memes and FSC NARP Daily, which have built up negative vibes on campus.
I will admit I am an active follower of both accounts and have a hearty laugh when scrolling through both pages.
While I think joking around and making fun of others can be a healthy habit that I think more people should embrace, I became increasingly proud of FSC Compliments as I continued down the page.
Comments passed back and forth such as, “you’re a beautiful person inside and out” and “you’re the funniest person I know,” made me want to read more.
And, that’s just what I did. After reading every post, my eyes itched, but more importantly my heart was happy.
While some of the posts were a bit cheesy and cliche for my liking, I think this is a good start to becoming a more spirited and active campus.
This page really and genuinely is completely positive. As I read through countless mentionings of my close friends, classmates, and even just those random acquaintances you only see out on Thursday nights, I realized that at FSC I’m surrounded by some pretty extraordinary people.
Now that I’ve gone on and on about how great all my fellow Mocs are, I expect to be tagged in at least five FSC Compliments by the end of the week.
Needless to say, I accepted FSC Compliments’ friend request.